Transformer oilpurifier manual

Operation Manual of ZYD100 Double-stage Insulating Oil Vacuum Oil Purifier

  ZYD100 double-stage insulating oil vacuum oil purifier operation manual is suitable for insulating oil double-stage oil purifier 30L/MIN, insulating oil high-efficiency double-stage oil purifier 50L/MIN, double-stage insulating oil purifier 100L/MIN, insulating oil double Used for vacuum oil purifier purification equipment such as 150L/MIN for vacuum oil filter and 200L/MIN for double insulation oil filter. The transformer oil filter operation manual is easy to understand, and the equipment operation is easy to use.

  Picture of   ZYD100 double-stage insulating oil vacuum oil purifier:

  ZYD100 double-stage insulating oil vacuum oil purifier Purpose:

  The ZYD100 double-stage insulating oil vacuum oil purifier produced by our company can quickly remove water, gas, and impurities in insulating oil, reduce dielectric loss, improve oil insulation performance and oil quality, and effectively ensure the normal operation of power equipment. Avoid accidents. It is widely used in power plants, power stations, power companies, substation industries, railways, petrochemicals, metallurgy, machinery manufacturing and other fields.

  This machine can process unqualified transformer oil without power failure, production shutdown, oil change, no filter paper, or live transformer operation. It can also be used for vacuum oil filling of transformers and drying various damp power equipment.

  This machine can meet the requirements of vacuuming the transformer body at the installation or maintenance site, and complete the degassing and dehydration of the transformer oil at the same time, shortening the oil treatment period. It integrates oil precision filtration, high-efficiency dehydration, degassing, vacuum three-dimensional evaporation technology and automatic control technology, with simple operation, safe and reliable operation.

  Pre-use inspection and shutdown instructions of the vacuum oil purifier

  Vacuum oil purifiers are generally composed of oil inlet pumps, heaters, filters, vacuum degassing tanks, oil discharge pumps, condensers, vacuum pumps, electrical control cabinets, measurement and control instruments and piping systems. Due to the requirements of use, some The vacuum oil purifier is also equipped with deacidification, decolorization and adsorption regenerators, and on-line testing of moisture, gas content and breakdown voltage.

  One, ZYD100 double-stage insulating oil vacuum oil purifier operation manual inspection points:

  1. The electrical equipment (all kinds of meters) of the vacuum oil filter should be inspected and tested regularly by the testing unit, and can be put into use after being qualified.

  2. Whether the machine is installed smoothly, and there should be no shaking or vibration during the trial run.

  3. Check whether the oil inlet and outlet pipes are installed correctly, whether the external pipes are installed firmly, and the joints between the hose and the metal pipe should be clamped by monkey bands to prevent the oil pipeline from falling off during operation.

  4. Check whether the external power supply is correct and whether the connected power cable can meet the capacity requirements of the oil filter unit.

  5. Check that the casing of the machine should be reliably grounded.

  6. Check that all rotating parts should be free from jamming.

  7. Carry out a trial run and check that the steering of the oil pump, vacuum pump and other motors should meet the requirements.

  8. Check whether the cooling water connection is reliable and the waterway should be unblocked.

  9. Check whether the fire extinguishing equipment on site meets the requirements.

  2. Shutdown of vacuum oil purifier

  The steps to be noted in the operating instructions of the ZYD100 double-stage insulating oil purifier: (when the oil is processed or needs to be stopped in the middle)

  1. Turn off the heater first, continue to feed oil for 3-5 minutes and then close the valve at the oil inlet.

  2. Turn off the vacuum pump and open the gas-liquid balance valve to release the vacuum.

  3. After the oil drain in the vacuum tower flashing tower is completed, turn off the oil pump. Drain the remaining oil in each device.

  4. Turn off the main power supply, and close all the external valves of the oil filter for the next use.

  5. In case of emergency, you can press the emergency stop button, the power supply of the oil filter unit will be cut off, and the whole machine will stop running; if you want to turn on, you must turn the emergency stop button clockwise to turn on all the control buttons. When restarting the vacuum oil filter, pay attention to the operation steps.

  Equipment export packaging: The conventional fumigation packaging is suitable for long-distance transportation abroad.

  Equipment transportation methods: shipping, air transportation, automobile transportation, etc. The company will replace and repair the goods for free until the customer is satisfied with the accident during the transportation and loading.

  Sales consulting: Manager Zhang 0086-18580036904 (same number on WeChat) 0086-02386194345

  (Need more video training files, add mobile phone WeChat or phone consultation to learn more)

  Delivery cycle: standard models are available in stock.